Career Advice? What is the motivation behind it?

Do you find that everyone else is the expert on your career and what you should do?When you ask the careers advisor, and they tell you...well you have done x and y, so you should do z. It would seem that careers advisors are great at putting people in boxes, but not at helping them, break free of the box.When you ask your friends do they can give up on that great job, how can you leave the secuirty (not that there is much secuirty in any job these days!), the money, the prestige?When I talk about careers as well, I am not talking about work, or being work shy. I expect most of you reading this are similar to me, you wantto work, your really want to work, but you want to feel fullfiled, you want to jump out of bed in the morning and feel like you have a purpose, and when you finish at the end of the day that something has been achieved.But how does this fit into a traditional career pattern? Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who loves their job and is content, and that is great. But for me, I feel that the tradional career path is stiffling. I only have one life, why should I just do one thing, because that is what is expected of me? I want to try many things, I want to engage with the world.....and sitting in an office writing reports is certainly not that!!So how do you get advice, when the usual methods tend to point you into the pre boxed solution? Well, I think the answer is in you, you know the answer!! The tough part is deciding to do something about it, to say that you think there is more 2 life than the career slog, to let go of the branch in the river and be swept along and see what wonderful things happen. It is not easy, you need to consider a lot of things, you can't be reckless, but you should believe that it is very very possible!!So motivate yourself, advise yourself, don't box yourself in. Easier said then done? Perhaps, but you can always make a start, try something at the weekend that you think you might like to do, or try spending an hour a week doing something you have always wanted to try, get talking to people who are doing it, you will hopefully find it inspiring....and who knows what might happen!!Peace