So it has been a busy couple of weeks, hence the slight lack of blog posts! After being slightly disappointed with the lack of a new Nova system II at Namm 2014, it has been a busy couple of weeks with gigs and coursework. I am nearly halfway through the Steve Vai guitar techniques at Berklee Online, and it is mind-blowingly fantastic. There is so much to absorb and Steve is a fantastic teacher above other things. Controversially, I am not really a fan of some of his later work, but it is philosophy about the guitar, playing and what it means to be a guitarist, human, is what is all about. The lessons are so incredibly insightful and there is a lifetime of knowledge and learning to take from it. I will post a longer piece about it and my experience at Berklee as a whole once I am finished.The biggest news, and what has kept me most busy is that I have finally finished my guitar tuition book. It is title-less at the moment, but it is a guitar book with a different approach to learning. Watch this space, as it is going through final proofing stages at the moment, and there will be a big announcement around it's launch. If you are stuck with your guitar playing, looking to explore the instrument (and yourself) and looking for a fresh approach to becoming the best guitarist, musician and human you can be, then this is the book for you!!I am also finalising the demos for my new guitar CD, it will be a 4/5 track guitar EP and I hope to start recording in the next couple of months.I have also had a few gigs with the Duo which have been very well received, we are still searching for a name though.Normal service will now resume!PeaceNeil