Apple Macbook Pro and Logic rant


So, this is where the story starts, I got nearly 6 years out of my MacBook Pro, purchased in 2008. Fantastic for a computer, let along a laptop. I did so much work on it, recorded albums, mastered music, composed for orchestra and film, with no real problems (aside from the logic board dying, lucky under Applecare) and most of all, it still works (ish), can be used for a bit of web browsing, the odd bit of writing, but since updating OS's, particularly to OSX Lion and now Mavericks, it can't handle much any more, but in it's heyday it was pretty awesome (sadly though, now it makes this sound!).So I was waiting and waiting for Apple to update their range and now they have…..and I can safely say that this will probably be my last apple computer. What has happened at apple? Do you make computers any more or are you just a communications company? How can my new machine be worse that my old one?? I have written in the past about the Logic X situation, and also the fact that there is still no Apeture update (don't worry Apple, I have since moved hook-line and sinker to Adobe, using Premiere, After Effects, Audition and LightRoom). But what is this about,glued memory for example, therefore no longer able to upgrade in the shop or anywhere. Why have you taken features out of iWorks apps to make them compatable with mobile devices!?!? There are no Thunderbolt peripherals and those that exist are prohibitively expensive when compared to standard devices. Realistically for those on a budget you can only afford a tiny hard drive in this day and age!! But more importantly this...I have Been using Logic since it's Notator days, and whilst I have had flings with other software, I always come home to Logic. But, I think the writing is on the wall, we have been to relationship counselling, but there doesn't seem to be a compromise, in that how can continue loving you when I give you all the latest things in terms of technology and yet you refuse to run one load of Kontakt and an Omnisphere and shock one audio track, without you breaking down and spluttering and causing me to have to freeze you all the time. As you probably know I am also a big advocate of the other Daw in my life (thank goodness for this world where we can see other DAWs) Digital Performer, and whilst I think it is superior in many ways, plus the dev team don't hide behind the ....oooo we are SOOO f'ing cool Apple and can't tell you anything because we will blow you mind.....yeah Right Tim, that boat has long since sailed!....I struggle with song writing and composing the way I like to compose in DP. It is a personal thing, but I like to (perhaps lazily) work with midi regions and drag them around etc etc which you can't really do in DP, of course there are ways to do it, but it doesn't quite gel with my creative mind. Audio wise DP is awesome, love tracking and editing with it...but just wish I could get the bounce to mp3 to work like it does in Logic, and the export to movie like it does in Logic. Perhaps I need to also have a look at Cubase. One other reason being that I am starting to get sick of the over pricing of Mac and the move away from a computing company to being a communications company. Perhaps very very very sadly in the next few year might have to start considering a move to a certain Beige Box system. Uncertain times for sure. When did we stop talking Apple? All this could be solved with a call, a note, acknowledge our existence....So...Cubase...DP....ProTools?Okay I get it Apple....planned obsolescence!!PeaceNeil