Neil Spencer Bruce

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A year (and more) in music! Piece a Day / Daily Creation Challenge - Day 365 - Finishing and Starting on the perfect note

So! Here is the final piece!! I did it! We are here, I have reached my goal and well what have I learnt? We the simple answer is *SO* much!! I don't think any of my thoughts have changed that much as to when I wrote this piece about the initial piece a day project. Can I believe I have done it? Well, yes and no! I know I can be a stubborn bugger when I set my mind to something, and I don't like to fail. But it has been so much more that this, it is part of my life now, I am not sure how I will feel when it isn't there, it has been challenging, but in a few ways I didn't expect, rather than those I did (i.e. technology failures) it was more to do with the frustrations of services (broadband) and sometime the lack of time, ending up doing it right at the last minute. But not once did I suffer from creative block, for some reason, this didn't rear it's ugly head. I think this is important lesson to take from all this, when you know you have to do something, you do it, when you have time to procrastinate, you do. Time is your friend....or rather lack of it!! The question is now....what next? Well I have a few ideas and I will announce them on the 1st of January 2013, along with a few other big plans for the year!It has been a blast, it is so interesting to look back at the pictures and the music and remember the emotions, the up's the down's but more importantly than that, the experience of the year itself. I am shocked at how quickly it has gone, the gig on New Year's Eve 2012 with Groovething where I took the picture of the fireworks, before I began this crazy project, actually really only seems like a few days away.I will be compiling all the music and images into one big 2012 montage and it is certainly going to be interesting viewing. I am also looking forward to compiling all the the titles of all of the pieces into one essay and it should give a clear indication of 2012 in word format!Thanks to all those who believed I could do it and have supported me all along, you know who you are! I hope that this challenge will inspire others to try something similar, because it isn't a challenge at all, it is a way to relax, a way to be creative for you for a certain period everydayall I can say right now as it is rather emotional is that if I can do can do it...I encourage you, do something for you every day....and see where it takes you, the sky is the limit!Thanks for all your supportPeace, love and good happiness stuff and Happy 2013Neil