Why Bother?

The new Creativity Kickstart // There is another way podcast is out and it called ‘Why Bother?’.

The new podcast is a follow up to the ‘Free your mind : and ideas will follow’ podcast and a question that was subsequently asked by guest and friend of the podcast, Hal Weaver. The question in response to the ideas I discussed in the podcast, Hal’s question was ‘why bother?’.

The creative concept behind the ‘free you mind’ podcast focused on a quote from Steven Wilson, stating that ‘the world does not need any more music’. Now I appreciate that this was rather a clickbaity comment, but the idea behind it is extremely important, especially when it comes to creativity. What Steven was getting at is that music (insert film/photography/art here) has become so homogenised by a series of contributing factors (such as corporations, record companies, library music, etc) where it seems so many musicians are writing music for monetisation rather than to express their own inner voice and satisfy their creative curiosities.

Thus the world has enough of the same kinds of generic music/films/art/books, which the corporations believe is what the public want. Therefore, as there is enough of this generic content, and artists striving to create the same kinds of generic work (for example by watching the same YouTube videos or tutorials on how to create the art in the first placeand therefore the focus should switch to creating authentic ‘art’ that satisfies the creative’s own

The podcast case goes into a more detailed explanation that the over simplified description over, but the overriding message is that for some of us, creativity is so inherent in whom we are, that the option of not bothering is not an actual posibility! Even if sometimes the there is an urge or feeling that there is no point bothering to create, then sometimes a break is needed. Create what you want, for you and you alone, as a way to express yourself and give yourself a voice, which means that there is still room for more!

Listen to ‘Why Bother?’