2010 evaluation

So, we are more than half was through the year!How is it going for you? Have you managed to stick to your resolutions? Well if it is any consolation, for those of you that haven't, I haven't really either.I decided to have a half year re-evaluation of the year, and to be honest 2010 has been pretty good so far, as I mentioned, I have slipped up on a few of the resolutions, so now it is time refocus and try and achieve them before the end of the year!I don't think that resolutions should always have to start and end on 1st of January, any time is good! The best thing about having a mid year re-evaluation is that you can focus in on what is important to you now at this minute. Things are also different in August than they are in December, so it gives you a fresh perspective from a different year point. For example, the weather is different, so this may have an impact on what you want now.I would suggest that you take some time, go sit in your favourite place to think and re-evaluate your year, I am sure it will do wonders for you!Peace