Light B4 Sound

One year of music (and photography) and Daily Creation Challenge | Day 237 - One year in music


Yes, today marks the one year anniversary of starting the piece a day (and now daily creation challenge), where I write a piece of music (and latterly upload a photograph) every day. The challenge started as a positive way to approach the period of redundancy I was under going at the time. I wanted to do something positive for myself and I also wanted to see if I could actually discipline myself to actually sit down everyday and produce a piece of music (or photography). I can't actually believe that a whole year has gone by already! Doesn't time fly! The next stage is to actually sit down and apply all the learning I have obtained from this challenge to finished the next Light B4 Sound album.With the Daily Creation Challenge (where I am continuing the piece a day challenge and producing a piece of music/photography everyday from the 1st of January until the 31st of December 2012), I have another 93 days to go until I make it until the end of the year and the end of the challenge!! I think it is going well and I am on target to achieve it!! I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone out there for their support, I hope that you have all enjoyed some of the output! Feel free to drop me a line or leave a comment on which track(s) you have enjoyed the most!I think the biggest thing I have learnt from this challenge is that you can do anything if you put your mind to it, and after about 15 days it starts to become a habit which is then hard to break! It is now something I have to do everyday! The other thing I will take away from this is about how I work. It is crucial (for me) to have a set time to do something (i.e. a deadline), having that removes the biggest of all creative endeavor evils....procrastination. With time against you and a blank canvas, things just seem to happen, rather than putting things off until you are in a more creative mindset, the deadline forces the creative lobes of the brain into action and things start to come out! Perhaps we all need deadlines :)Enjoy<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""></iframe>PeaceNeil