Gear Reviews

NAMM 2014 New Boss ME-80 Guitar Multiple Effects review


A new announcement from Boss for NAMM 2014, here are a few quick review thoughts! This really does look fantastic, I had an ME-70 for a while, but quickly realised it's limitations and I wasn't particularly enamoured with the sound palette. It seems like Boss have been beavering away to come up with something new, and this is it. I really like the fact it has eight effects with eight switches. I think that is pretty massive and is extremely practical, with nothing else on the market offering that level of flexibility at that price point. Every unit so far has been a compromise on which effects you can switch on and off and which presets you are switching between. (obvious exception being the Line 6 M9, but that doesn't have amp modelling). Like other units such as the Nova System (again no modelling), I think it might be nice to have a dedicated switch for patch to manual mode switching, that doesn't involve holding combinations of switches down. Even the GT100 has this, although you can assign an external switch to switch modes, which is useful. It is also obvious to see some of the missing features which enable it to be placed at a lower price point and not interfere with sales of something like the GT100, such as 4CM functionality.All in all, from the brief reports, it looks like a really simple and flexible unit to run directly into an amp if you just want effects, and something you could use with some of the amp models, should you need to. I think it is a great forward progression for the ME series!From the Boss Press ReleaseMobile, battery powered, and filled with a diverse selection of flagship-quality BOSS amps and effects, the ME-80 is the ideal compact tone processor for performing guitarists. A friendly knob-based interface makes it simple to dial in great sounds in seconds, while easily selectable operation modes offer the flexibility of individual stompbox-style on/off or instant recall of complex multi-effects setups. Unique new footswitches deliver twice the control of previous designs for efficient and intuitive effects switching, patch selection, and real-time sound shaping while playing on stage. The free BOSS TONE STUDIO software unlocks even more tonal possibilities, providing a cool graphical interface for tweaking and organizing sounds on your computer, plus a web connection to BOSS TONE CENTRAL for direct access to free gig-ready patches created by top pro guitarists and much more.

  • Compact and powerful floor multi-effects with a simple knob-based interface
  • Eight simultaneous effects categories, each with multiple effects types
  • Dial up tones with the ease of using your favorite stompboxes
  • Includes a massive selection of top-quality effects, from classic BOSS stomps to the latest MDP effects
  • Updated flagship-level COSM® amps derived from the GT-100
  • Eight multifunction footswitches and expression pedal
  • Manual mode for stompbox-style on/off; Memory mode for switching complete patch setups
  • Delay section includes Phrase Loop function with 38 seconds of recording
  • Runs on six AA batteries or optional PSA-series AC adapter
  • USB audio/MIDI interface built in
  • Free BOSS TONE STUDIO software allows you to edit and organize tones on your computer, and also preview and download free patches directly from the BOSS TONE CENTRAL website

 Peace Neil

TC Ditto x2 Looper announced - review


Wow a great announcement from TC Electronic, they have just announced the new Ditto x 2 Looper, so here is a quick first thoughts review. The original Ditto was a fantastic looper with it's simplicity and size. The Ditto X2 looks to add in just enough functionality to make it truly fantastic, but still maintaining ease of use. I personally think the link to Jamtracks is really fantastic addition, and will have a great impact on learning (and playing along live if you want too).Obviously it isn't as fully spec'd as some of the other offerings from Boss, Digitech etc, but I think the strong point is the simplicity of operation and for many guitarists (who aren't full on loopers), it has just the right feature set. I am kind of glad that it doesn't have the awful drum tracks that most of the other offer (maybe a simple click would have been good?). I am sure that will complain about the 5 minutes looping time, but really? I think that is pretty impressive and a good amount of time (remember the early loopers only have seconds! It is the immediacy of looping that TC have targeted here, particularly targeted at the guitarist (well only the guitarist!).All we need now is a new Nova System II, with amp modelling to be the perfect accompaniment...come on TC make my year! PeaceNeil

Roland GR-55 Guitar Synth Review


I will start off by saying that this is NOT a total in-depth review of all the features of the GR-55, as it is an IMMENSE product! There are just too many options and possibilities that you can set-up with this unit, I think it would be impossible to fully detail all of them. I am taken a-back by how powerful the GR-55 is, and with all gear with this level of depth, it can take a long time to fully discover everything about the unit (if you ever do). Needless to say the more you put in, the more you get out with something like this, but it is VERY easy to get started and to me that is one of the selling points of the unit. You can go as deep into the unit or as shallow as you like and still be impressed with everything on offer.So this review is more of a review of my experience of the unit and what I have come to like (and dislike about using it), I will not be able to cover everything that the unit does (I am still discovering myself even after owning it for ages!). So what you will get here is my experience of using it and I hope that they are of use to you. There is also the possibility  that some of the things I point out as maybe negative, might actually have a better solution, I just haven't found it yet and would love to hear your thoughts.First things first, to get the unit up and running you need to install the GK-3 HEX pickup on the guitar which makes all the magic work. This pickup works using a similar principle to traditional guitar pickups, except it converts the voltage output into digital MIDI data (consisting of pitch, velocity, note on, note off data etc). The special cable not only allows for the transmission of MIDI data, but also the signal from your guitar too, which can be processed using the in-built modelling too (amps and FX's). This combination can lead to some very interesting and innovative sounds. One of the biggest problem with MIDI guitar systems, apart from tracking (tracking refers to the time delay and accuracy of note output from the unit), is spurious triggered notes and pitch issues. A lot of these problems can be overcome by the correct installation of the pickup.Installation of the GK-3 pickup. This wasn't too bad, a little bit fiddly but if I can do it....anyone can! My advice here is find a good space to work in, and separate all the parts before you begin. If you follow the instruction manual to the letter, you should have no problem. I should add that I only mounted mine using the sticky pads and it isn't drilled directly into the body. Firstly, I couldn't bring myself to drill into my guitar and secondly I wanted to be able to sell it, should I not be happy with it. I recommend that if you are going to drill it, check out the internet for videos and the like of the best way of doing it.....good luck! The next job is to ensure the high of the pickup is consistent (depending on the profile of your guitar and bridge) and this is achieved by turning a small screw on the pickup itself. With the pickup installed and the unit mounted on the guitar (you only have to remove the strap button and it fits straight on there) you can set up the string sensitivity and other attributes relating to how the pickup responds to the the string movement. These are all faily straight forward and with a bit of a tweaking it all seems to work perfectly. I have noticed that on the guitar I have sacrificed for the pickup, I initially had 9's on it and these are a little light and did result in some ghost notes and false triggers. Moving up to 10's and most of these problems disappeared.I will state one very important thing to bare in mind,  as a player this device requires you probably to play 'cleaner' and more precise. I think this is a good thing, you might notice at first that you are triggering random notes or noises, when you investigate you might discover this is down to your picking hand hitting random strings (when muting perhaps) or imprecise bends causing random sounding notes. This is a great exercise in making one slow down and concentrate a little bit on technique. Of course, if you are just using the amp modelling, COSM guitar modelling, your playing will be whatever your playing is!In UseI found the user interface of the GR-55 to be extremely easy to get my head around, the manual (in true Roland fashion) is a little bit of a harder read, but they Roland are getting much better in that respect!! Of course, you will need to spend a lot of time pressing buttons to move between pages and parameters, but with the big scroll wheel and lovely screen it isn't too much of a problem. Of course if you can, download the Editor software and you can then do everything on your computer. I would also recommend downloading the librarian software as this makes patch management and installing some fantastic patches from the Roland website (and others) a breeze.I found that using the unit as a traditional guitar processor generally fine, although I would have like to be able to perhaps switch more than one pedal on and off (via the CTL) mod switch, maybe to control an overdrive pedal and mod pedal, but hey I you can do this with two patches, it isn't the biggest deal in the world. I should mention that the MOD pedal can be assigned to different functions for each patch. This is really cool as you can control parameters such as volume, wah, modulation effects and delay and blend between layers.With editing you can go very, very deep and create amazing instruments, combining the guitar's pickup, a modelled guitar and two PCM tones, which can then be blended in. Imagine something like your normal guitar running through a Marshall Amp, with a Banjo, a Koto and massive saw synth, or your guitar running through a Fender Tweed, a Telecaster with a DADGAD tuning, a string section and a ballad piano! You are pretty much only limited by your imagination, and whilst the synth engine on the GR-55 doesn't allow the depth of synthesis as you might get on an actual synth, it is not to shabby either! Adding the MIDI out into the equation, you can then have access to an external sampler, synth or virtual instrument, that is simply mind blowing!! I have lost hours playing around with all the possibilities, for me as well, it is a sound design dream because playing on the guitar gives you a different style of trigger input into the system (i.e different from the way you might play on a keyboard). But if you aren't into doing loads of editing or want to get started straight away, there are some great patches (and some dubious ones!!) and there is an easy edit option called EZ Edit (similar to that on other Roland/Boss gear like the GT-10 and ME-70 for example). This allows you to control the amount of effect or dial in a brighter or warmer sound, very...erm...well easily!Playing the guitar and changing patches is very easy via the footswitches, and the small buttons on the GK-3 enable easy switching between banks. Watching many of the demos online, to get a flawless performance, it requires the user to put their patches in a logical order, and this is easily done via the GR librarian. I have seen some frustration from users (not just with this unit but other gear like the GT-10 or ME-70 or HD500) that when they watch a performance demo online that the perform seems to switch seamlessly between patches in the song. This does require preparation, and as with all things in life, a little bit of preparation goes along way, and the same can be said with this unit. Of course, you could use an external MIDI controller to switch between your patches (something like the Roland FC-300, Behringer FCB-1010 or Tech 21 Midi Moose) or even better than that if you are a solo performer working with backing tracks, you could get your patch changes triggered via MIDI from a DAW along with your backing track playback. That is pretty cool!SoundsWith the GR-55 not only do you get a selection of synth sounds, from pianos, brass, strings and other typical synth stuff you get access to COSM modelling of guitars too. These range from types of guitar (Strat, Tele, Banjo, Acoustic, Nylon) to tunings (awesome!! The tuning options are great Drop D just like that...that is pretty fantastic!) to pickup positions and types! It is actually pretty mind blowing what you can potential do. I think the COSM guitars sound amazing, I really really love the acoustic guitar, it is perfect for me. Blend this with some strings and I could be playing for hours and hours (and to me that is the mark of a good piece of gear, something that makes you loose time!) I am will hold my hands up and say that I really struggle with amp modelling (I have pretty much tried them all over the years, with the exception of the AXE-FX and I always give up on them). I have to say that some of the COSM amps do sound good, but I feel that I really needed to spend sometime getting them to work (for me). But they aren't bad, neither are some of the modelled FX's, but a GT-10 or Line 6 HD-500 this isn't. But hey what other box (of this size too!) give you the option to go from playing a Les Paul in drop D into a full size Marshall stack to playing a Banjo into a Fender Twin in one click, that is awesome!With regards to the synth sounds, as someone who spent a lot of time selling and demoing (and owning) the Roland JV 1080, 1010 and 2080 synths, the sounds on the GR-55 are very familiar. I do really like the strings, pianos and some of the wind instruments. To be honest they do sound a little dated now, of course you have the flexibility to add and merge different sounds, as well as run them through COSM amps and FXs to great your own unique sounds, but as base sounds they are a little...old. Having said that, connecting this up to your DAW or computer via the MIDI out and you have access to a million other sounds. I have been using it with Spectrasonics Omnisphere and Native Instruments Absynth for example, and you are unlimited in your palette of sounds.As mentioned previously, the ability to combine four distinct sound sources (guitar, modelled guitar and two PCM sound sources) with amp models, FX's and various levels of blend does open up an insane sonic palette to the user, add into this the MIDI out and the sky is the limit, especially if you aren't a great keyboard player, your can now bring your guitar chops to a plethora of different instruments and develop truly unique sounds. I would add that to get the most authentic sounds from the synth instrument, you do need to consider how the actual instrument is played, i.e. trying to shred on a saxophone doesn't sound right...but then again it might be the sound you are looking for, that is a great thing about this unit, you can make it your own!Other featuresThe unit has a built in Looper, whilst this isn't up there with the stand along Boss RC series of units, it is functional and you can use it to build up layers and layers, which is really cool. If you also want to use the GR-55 live there is the ability to plug-in a USB memory stick, with backing tracks for example and then these will be played back via the unit, in essence making you a one man band . The unit features a 'guitar out' which enables you to take the sound from your guitars pick up and and amp/FX modelling and send it to your existing amp set up for example, to give you access to even more sounds. Wow!ThoughtsIn summary, here are a few of my thoughts....

  • THIS IS AN AWESOME UNIT! The possibilities for sound design, composing and guitar playing really are incredible.
  • I have only used it live once, and to be honest it was a little bit of a nervous situation, as if I was doing it regularly I would need to install another GK-3 on a back-up guitar. If the unit went down I guess you would be screwed, but then again this could be said for an unit.
  • It is a shame you can't move a COSM pickup in real time as you would on the guitar (you'd need 2 patches, i.e. neck and bridge for example) but ultimately not that important (and I am not sure if you might be able to do this using the CTL switch?)
  • There is a slight time lag on midi out to external devices, depending on the patch this can be a little bit frustrating, but when using it
  • The sounds that I find work really well (and respond really well to my style of playing) are the pianos and electric pianos, the solo brass instruments (saxophones, in particular!)
  • Partnered with a Boss RC-300 and I think you have the most AWESOME music creation system as a guitarist....Father Christmas are you listening??
  • The GR-55 is stealing my time!! :)

I will be creating a demo of the unit (along with the Boss RC-3) to show it in all it's glory.EnjoyPeaceNeil

T-Rex Fuel Tank Junior Review


Not really a lot to say about this device as it is a power supply unit. Basically, it can handle virtually any 9-Volt effects pedal, or connect two outputs together to supply 18 volts (for something like the Fulltone OCD or Plimsoul pedal, where 18 volts can raise the power rails of the op-amps to give more headroom). The Fuel Tank has 5 isolated outputs, these seem to deliver a clean output independent of each other output. I can certainly vouch for the fact that the power is isolated from each output and is consistent. I have only had problems with one pedal so far and that was the Mooer AutoWah and this was down to a problem with that pedal seeming to require a strange voltage and making a hell of a lot of noise. I put that down to a faulty Mooer unit and nothing what so ever to do with the Fuel Tank!To sum up, this is a technically not the most exciting guitar product to buy, but I have been using this now for every gig for the last two years (and rehearsal etc) and it has been totally solid. If you need to power your pedals, I would certainly consider the Fuel Tank!The Fuel Tank Jr is switchable between 115 and 230V, so you can use it worldwide should you need to.Pros

  • Compact size
  • Bright red LED looks cool!
  • Solidly built and very robust


  • If I had to have one, I wish it has an IEC connection rather than figure of 8, just makes life easier (and don't need to carry extra cables along side the IEC that we have in abundance.


Mooer MAW1 Funky Monkey Auto Wah review


Another purchase kind of on a whim, but also with a purpose in mind. I have been using the Electro-harmonix Micro Q-tron for years, and I have always wanted an envelope follower/autowah in a smaller size package. As good as the EHX is (and it is good), it does take up A LOT of space, especially when you are trying to get your pedal down to a smaller size. My dream is that TC Electronic include an autowah or envelope follower in the Nova System II (if there is actually going to be one!), but until then I have been stuck with the Q-tron. I did try the Doctor Q from EHX and it was AWFUL, beyond awful, probably the worse pedal I have ever tried. Anyway, after having quite a bit of joy with Joyo (see what I did there), Mooer seemed to be the new kid on the clone block, so I was always bound to give one of their pedals a try, and wow do they have a lot of pedals now (again I will leave the clone ethics to another day), and unlike Joyo, their pedals are in a nano size box, so the Funky Monkey was always going to be first on my list.I use the Q-tron on a couple of songs where there is the requirement to wah through out (i.e. something like Disco Inferno), with a pedal like this it is possible then to not be tied to the wah pedal and not wear you leg out constantly rocking it backwards and forwards. You could also emulate a 'cocked' wah position (ala Michael Schenker, Joe Satriani), by setting the rate to be very very low (or completely off), this would just give you the envelop shape, without the Q frequency of the filter moving. So all in all a very versatile little pedal.So most importantly what does it SOUND like?I would say it does the job, it is a little bit whooshy when you set it to higher rates and ranges, it lacks a little bit of bottom end, but for what it is it does a good job. Will I sell the Q-tron, no chance, does this solve a problem for me, yes it does. You have all the usual peak selections Hi, Mid and Low, my preference is mid, with the range about 3 o'clock and the q about 1 o'clock, with the rate set to about 2 o'clock. In this setup, for me it mimics the characteristics of the Q-tron, but of course without the envelope sensitivity. (I.e. because it isn't an envelope follower!).How easy is it to use?Very easy,  select the mode of the filter (hi-med-lo peak) and the set the range and Q of the filter and the set the rate. This is the equivalent of setting the range of a typical wah pedal, i.e. the range from foot back to foot forward (or sweep) of the pedal. The Q (or width of the filter, from a notch to a wider band) and the setting the rate (i.e. if this was a real wah how quickly you are rocking your foot).There is 9V input but due to the nano size you can NOT use a  battery.Are there any nice touches?It's small!Will it fall apart?No it is solidly built for sure, perhaps the main knob could get broken from overzealous stompingPros1)It has a wider range of options2)True Bypass3)SizeCons1)Size (yes this is a contradiction) as this can mean you end up stomping on the switches (probably my big feet), with some pedal boards when you attach the jack cables, the pedal might list to one side or the other.2)Range and Q controls a little bit fiddly and you can't see the position.Video review coming.I think I will have to check out more of the Mooer pedals!! Any recommendations?? PeaceNeil

Line 6 G30 Wireless System Review

I finally capitulated, after 20 years of thinking about going wireless (and actually anecdotally I realised that I have actually been using the same lead since 1993, through 1000's of gigs!). So, I decided to take the plunge. As I run sound at certain gigs at the moment, being able to get around the venue easily at soundcheck sound was a requirement, as tangled leads made things very difficult and of course the lead was never really long enought. So I thought and pondered over the move for a long time, baring in mind that I love my 'umbilical' cord. I did a lot of research about the all issues etc, but the Line 6 seemed to keep popping up as a decent and cost effective solution.I was still not totally convinced, but I decided to go with the Line 6 G30,  I didn't feel I needed all the advanced features of the other two units, plus it was purchased as a trial to see if I could adapt to wireless and it wasn't the end of the earth as an outlay, and had a good resale on E-bay!Well, I am really really impressed, the first and REALLY noticeable difference is the sound….why is this? Well, there is no cable effect, the effect of resistance and capacitance present in all cables, which results in signal lose. You are able to hear pretty much exactly what your guitar sounds like, I mean really sounds like! You'll probably find that this sounds perceptively louder than normal, although the biggest surprise is how bright it sounds, you realise the amount of high frequency drop off you get with a cable (brings back those lectures on the effects on frequency by capacitors and resistors!). To counter this, Line 6 have added in a 'cable' effect switch, where you can mimic the effects of a cable, by adding in certain lengths to your signal path and thus dropping of some of those HF components. Turning it off does give you an almost crystalline clean sound, might be nice for a bit of funk!!

  • Latency, I can't notice any
  • Range, seems to be able 30 feet (100 metres) or so, I have been able to go a little bit further without any drop out, but I haven't had the need to go any further than that!
  • Battery life, well Line 6 state you can get about 8 hours from one set of AA batteries, I have to say that sounds about right, I am getting about three gigs and a bit of rehearsal out of a set, which is quite impressive. Stock up on some rechargeables!

I think I might say (having vocally said that I never would) that I am loving the freedom of the wireless, I still have a cable close by, but it is nice to have the freedom, it is nice to be able to go out front in certain shows and hear what it sounds like, it is also nice to be able to 'pose'!!EnjoyPeaceNeil

Wampler Euphoria (was Ecstacy) Drive Review

This is probably going to be a very short review of this pedal. I will start of by saying on this, it is and amazing piece of gear, very unique and sounds fantastic, add in the toggle switch of voicings and you have one hell of a package. I brought this pedal after seeing a demo with Tom Quayle, although he was using the Dual Fusion (which was very very impressive), there was a lot of talk about this one, and it seemed to suit what I was looking for (in the ultimate OD quest). I loved the idea of being able to get a lovely Dumblesque tone in a pedal, I really thought that tone was for me, I loved the idea of a transparent pedal, letting the voice of my guitar speak out, I loved the idea of owning a Wampler, this was the perfect pedal….but I sold it!So most importantly what does it SOUND like?Don't get me wrong at all, this really is an outstanding pedal, one of the best pedal's I have ever tried (and owned briefly), it sounded truly lovely and stunning simply plugged into the front of a Fender amp. In the 'smooth' setting, you get (supposedly a Dumble type sound), having never owned one of these mythical amps (for obvious reason), I do have a rough idea of how it should sound. I guess to my ears it has a smooth openness to it and a nice sustain, characteristic of said Dumble, so yes it works. It is ver open sounding, very clear and not muddy at all. I think smooth sums it up perfectly! Switching down to the 'open' mode, you get an almost clean boost here, it is practically transparent and drives the front end of an amp very nicely, there is a lot of gain here, and you really hear your guitar coming through. I should say it is almost perfection. The 'crunch' mode really is probably the most like a traditional overdrive pedal and can get quite fuzzy with the gain up.But, it wasn't for me, I can't quite put my finger on it, logically and aurally it was a perfect pedal, but I guess I wanted something a bit dirtier, perhaps something which added a bit of character. I am not quite sure, but I think I found it with the Fulltone Plimsoul! I seriously suggest if you are looking for a transparent sounding overdrive/clean boost and want to sound like Robben Ford or Larry Carlton, that you head down and check this pedal out quickly.How easy is it to use?Very easy,  I mean it is an overdrive pedal. Select your voicing, and  turn the gain, volume and tone. The Bass control is interesting as it enables you to control the bass in the signal, which is kind of unique in OD pedals, because it helps prevent the sound getting over muddy but retaining mid punch and clarity!! Very nice!Are there any nice touches?Love the little bag Wampler Pedals come in. The Bass control!Will it fall apart?No it is solidly built for sure!! I love the construction, it is almost sexy!Pros1)It sounds fantastic, like really fantastic, like super fantastic and transparent2)The different tones available from the voicings3)The level available and the Bass controlCons1)It is expensive, very expensive!2)May not be quite what you are looking for (as in my case) PeaceNeil

Fulltone Plimsoul Review

As guitarists, it always seems we are on the quest for the perfect, nirvana of tone, and when it comes to overdrive and distortion, it is this holy grail that we always seem to be chasing. Yes, I am very guilty of this, the point where you think you have found the perfect pedal, but then G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome) gets you and you just have to try something else. I particular blame the internet for this! Anyway, as you can see from my previous reviews I am pretty much happy and content with my set-up, although I do tweak from time to time. To cut a long story short, I was selling some other bits and pieces and I was offered this pedal as a trade. Now, I should have stuck to my guns and just taken the cash, but hey it was an overdrive pedal, and I had heard good things about it, so I brought this 2nd hand on a whim and as a trade for another pedal. I thought that if the worst comes to the worst, it is straight back on Ebay, nothing ventured nothing gained (no pun intended) and all that. Sometime fate does good things!!So most importantly what does it SOUND like?I owned the OCD a few years back, probably my first purchase of a pedal 'unheard', using the now familiar technique of reading a thousand reviews, forum posts and youtube videos. I didn't get off to a good start, I can really appreciate the OCD, it is a good overdrive pedal, but wasn't for me, it lacked the tone that I was looking for, probably which is more soft clipping. I plugged in the Plimsoul, not really knowing what to expect..... about an hour later I still couldn't stop playing with it (the pedal that is!), wow and wow, you know you have a good one when (as I may have said before) time passes, you can't stop playing, and this pedal was one of those for me, the difficulty is choosing which sound to go with as there are just SO many options possible.It seems the design of the pedal is a synergy between a soft-clipped OD and a hard-clipped distortion pedal, as everyone say like a tube-screamer/od-1 bred with a DS-1 or Rat type pedal!! So what is not to like!! It is amazing that you can go from the softly compressed bluesy type sounds to a very saturated high-gain distortion (and the more you turn up stage 2, the more the little red LED flashes depending on how you playing....I like that touch!). The Plimsoul also cleans up nice from the guitar and is very responsive and suitably sounding depending if you are using a single coil or humbucker. I would say the Plimsoul is a bit more mid focused that something like the OCD for example, it is noticeably not as transparent as say the OCD or Wampler Euphoria or Timmy, but actually I am coming to the conclusion of 'sod' transparency, I want dirty!The thing I love most about this pedal is the way it sustains a note and gentle nudges you into feedback and it is a lovely musical feedback. It is very warm sounding too (much warmer sounding than the Boss SD-1 that I have been using for years....which is is replacing), I guess I have mine set in what would be OD with a slightly distortion, it is the perfect tone!How easy is it to use?Very easy,  I mean it is an overdrive pedal. There is tons and tons of level on tap (barely got above 10 o'clock, so this could be used as a nice boost pedal as well...but a bit of a waste to do that as it sounds so good!). Hi-cut is basically the tone control, and sustain is what we would normally think of as drive. Stage 2 is where the real distortion starts to kick in, although you could say the knob is a little bit small for some fingers and you can't quite see where it is set from a distance. (just a little niggle!)There is 9V input and it runs from a battery, but you can run it up to 18V, not tried that yearAre there any nice touches?Nicest touch the stage 2 LED which response to you as!Will it fall apart?No it is solidly built for sure!!Pros1)It sounds fantastic, like really fantastic2)The number of tonal options possible mixing the Stage 1 and Stage 2's together3)The sustain and level availableCons1)It is expensive (if you don't get lucky like I did)2)You probably will want another one!Video review coming.PeaceNeil