Daily Creation Challenge

Daily Creation Challenge | Day 26 - Circles


Been totally neglecting my Spitfire Albion Library of late, and really want to get to use it more as it is fantastic, and I haven't fully got to grips with the tremedous capability, so I thought what better way to experiment than to use it as part of piece of the day. So here it is, lots of lovely strings, some brass and woodwind. I wanted to use the Ostinatum, but I couldn't seem to get it to sit right, more to test in future.Enjoy Daily Creation Challenge | Day 26 - Circles by Neil BrucePeaceNeil

Daily Creation Challenge - Day 25 The Lowry Theatre Salford - Timelapse - Sony EX3

A short time-lapse that I shot outside the Lowry Theatre Salford in July 2011 on a Sony EX3. It is a joy to shoot timelapse on an EX3. It was just some footage that I had lying around, so I thought I would add some music it to it as part of my daily creation challenge. So here it is!Some grading was done in Final Cut Pro.Enjoy

The Lowry Theatre Salford - Timelapse - Sony EX3 from Neil Bruce on Vimeo.


Daily Creation Challenge | Day 23 - Apprehension

Still extremely tired at the moment, probably down to this nasty chest/ear infection that I can't seem to shake, even with the antibiotics. There is a sense of apprehension in the air at the moment and that is what inspired todays piece! Bit of orchestra and a bit of dulcimer never go a miss.Hope you enjoy Daily Creation Challenge | Day 23 - Apprehension by Neil BrucePeaceNeil

Daily Creation Challenge | Day 20 - Friday Feeling


Off to a gig tonight so a quick one here (again...sorry....but at least I am keeping the challenge up!). I am feeling quite inspired again by repetitive minimalist phrasing, so hence the thinking behind this piece.All done in Logic studio, using the internal synths, including Sculpture! I think Sculpture is a great synth, but I do think it has a certain sound, which to my ears is a bit brittle, powerful and brittle would sum it up for me!Enjoy! Daily Creation Challenge | Day 19 - Friday Feeling by Neil BrucePeaceNeil  

Daily Creation Challenge | Day 18 - beginnings


Found this little bit of footage I shot on New Year's Eve, it was all lonely and I didn't know what to do with it, so I thought I would write some music for it and use it as part of my daily creation challenge. So once again the film is more about the music that the images!!Shot on a Canon 550D edited in Final Cut. Not much else to say!!

beginnings - fireworks on New Year's Eve - canon 550D from Neil Bruce on Vimeo.
