Neil Spencer Bruce

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My Time Keeper - All hail the humble metronome!

In praise of 'My Time Keeper'

Anyone out there who has ever tried learning a musical instrument will at sometime made friends with the ever ticking humble metronome! The one device which is ever present in learning rooms, recording studios, bedrooms, schools across the globe.This little device is the unsung hero keeping us in time, helping measure our performance and progressing on the instrument.Metronomes come in all shapes and sizes, all colours and styles, but their fundamental existence is to simply tick tick tick tick, for ever and ever or until you can't take it any more!!

We salute you

So, I thought it was time we took these unsung heroes and gave them their time to bask in the glory, show them that we care, that they are not something which we stick in draw, never really love and begrudge buying as they aren't sexy or cool!Imagine where we would be without them!! Imagine!!

My practice hero

So, here is my timepiece the metronome which I have had for probably 18 years, it still ticks and tocks and ticks and tocks still have the SAME batteries it came with!!! I am actually in shock about that!!I can't believe the hours and hours I have heard you ticking over the decades!What about yours?Go on, give your metronome its fifteen minutes of fame :EnjoyPeaceNeil