Neil Spencer Bruce

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Jobs before computers...what happened?

Following up from the previous post "How did ‘work’ work in the days before computers?", I am still struck as to what is going on in offices and what happened circa the mid 1990's when a computer on every desktop became prevalent. Now we all are sat here, everyone of us with a computer, typing away all day long....but why? Part of me feels that it is to prove that we are doing something, even if there is nothing really to means the creation of new tasks and jobs, just for the sake of doing something at a machine.But this is also counter productive it would seem and also means that office workers seem to generally procrastinate more and feel more unhappy. But these days, the computer has also moved outside of the 'office', it is ubiquitous throughout  most industry now, drones of people staring blankly at handheld devices, computers to track movement of food, controls of robots. But this is all new, it has all taken place in the last 20 years, and all I keep thinking is, what was it like before.....what did I do? Was I happier?And to be honest, part of my thinks I was, but maybe in a different way. I mean, as I mentioned before, I am not knocking the computer, I am not being ironic given that I am currently writing this on a computer, but I just know I used to do more things. At work, I would talk more, go for more walks around the office without feeling tied to my machine. At home, I would read, see friends more, and just hangout, but now I feel tied more to checking things online. My purchasing decisions are based on the testimony of strangers on forums, of whom I have no idea of their credentials when giving advice. I spent ages pondering over two options, knowing full well which one I want, but feeling that I have to have my thoughts justified by someone else.I digress, so Jobs Before Computers, we did have them, they involved working differently...perhaps even harder, more physical, more in touch, more dangerously.....we are sold on the idea that a computer makes things easier, faster, with more information feedback, but do we need all of that to know we have done a good job?I would like you hear your feedback, when are you most happiest at work? When typing away at a keyboard or some other time....let me knowPeaceN