Neil Spencer Bruce

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Happy New Year 2016

So!!! Happy New Year 2016 to everybody out there and all my loyal site visitors, I wish you all the very best for 2016 and hope that it is a good one for you. I hope you are all able to focus on your goals and be as musical or creative as you wish.I am very sorry for the lack of blog posts recently. The New Year didn't start (or end) too well for me, as my father was very ill in the last few weeks before Christmas and then passed away at the beginning of the Year. As I am sure you can all understand, all activities on my site have been put off whilst I dealt with it all. But now I'm back and I will be blogging am more than ever this year as it is a very exciting year creatively.

So what has been happening?

Well, there is actually quite a lot to talk about!Firstly, Groovething a very exciting gig with the on New Year's Eve at Centre Parcs in front of 800+ party people! I'll be posting some more pictures of this soon and there will be some video as well from the night.Secondly,  I've been working with the fantastic Peter Young at Ultra Audio Productions in Nashville, he has been recording the first drum and bass tracks for my new guitar ep which will be coming out this year. I've had the first track back and it sounds great and hopefully I'll be tracking the guitars soon now that things are settling down a bit.Thirdly, I will also be reviewing (and I'm very excited about this) the Atomic Amps Amplifier amp modelling and effects pedal, which is absolutely stunningly fantastic and is going to replace quite a lot my gear I think! So watch this space for the review on that! I will also be reviewing a few other pieces of gear and there should be some video reviews coming very soon as well as answers to a number of your questions out there .Fourthly, I will be continuing to put out the guitar lessons you seem to enjoy,  I've been backed up quite a few lessons for a while now and there should be quite a few new lessons coming.Finally, I'll be making up for this sometime soon to celebrate that as well that my YouTube channel has just over and over half a million views!!! Thank you guys for that!! I will also be bringing you my new Light B4 Sound project that I'm working on my other creative life and I'm very excited about that I'm looking forward to sharing that with you and yes there will be a lot more updates so watch this space!!!Happy 2016EnjoyPeaceNeil