Neil Spencer Bruce

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What is happening to the world?

More worrying things a foot...this is stuff that worries the hell out of my, but for the first time I really feel insensed to write about it.ID cards.This follows on from my previous post about CCTV cameras and the land of the free. Now I am not opposed to having a card which is my passport/drivers license all in one on a little plastic card....go for it. Would even be happy to pay for it (well perhaps actually towards it....the cost of £90 is a little on the high side don't you think!!)....but don't send me to prison because I don't have one...hey maybe I don't want to fly or I need a card? Obviously I do as if I don't I will be fined and sent to prison!Hmmm that sounds fair.Also, you can have my picture, date of birth, where I live, phone number...hell even my blood group. But my DNA? and another 44 pieces of information about me....hell I don't know thatcmuch stuff about myself....and I live with me 24/7.Now you may have read my previous post and thought I was a little mad....a tough over the top, but this article has got to be the best article writen on why we should not have ID cards....In particular this paragraph is what really hits home with me.....

What bothers me is when someone puts my image, my name, the place and time together. That is information of a personal nature, and is an invasion of my privacy.

Nuclear powerSo we are back here again. My views on this have changed a fair bit as I have learnt more. Why are we going down this route again? why? (wondering if £'sssss has anything to do with it....seems like you can buy anything in this country these days....fancy a peerage?).Yes we are running out of enegry, yes we need a new form of energy. You can't deny that. We are so intrenched in a lifestyle that requires millions of megawatts to support it that we can't do much about it. But is this really the answer? Yes it is the quick fix solution but surely it is better to invest in new forms of sustainable energy.I have to say that the environmentalists can't have everything on this one, wind farms are great and yes don't look too nice....but lets find a compromise, If the government said tomorrow lets build 100 windfarms, then sadly yes some will have to be in places which will make the landscape look a big rough. But that is 10000000 times better than sticking spent uraniam in the ground.PeaceN