Neil Spencer Bruce

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Wampler Dual Fusion Pedal Video and price

Just stumbled across this new video for the Wampler Dual Fusion pedal. As I wrote about before in this post, I am quite excited by this pedal, and it certainly is on my hitlist. After seeming this video probably more so, although I have to say I was much more impressed Channel 1 than channel 2, to my ears (obviously based on a youtube video) I think I prefer the sound the Suhr Riot, perhaps stacking with another of Wampler's pedals would work really well for me....but I can't really say until I try it out for myself. Having said that I am not sure that the UK price is that fantastic, and actually in fact rather high. The US price is around $259, where as the UK price is in a similar ball park. Obviously we have factor in shipping etc etc, but with the current exchange rates (and world economy) it does seem quite high.....therefore going to be on my wishlist for quite sometime I think....back to looking at Far Easten pedals I guess :)PeaceNeil