Neil Spencer Bruce

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Top 5 tips for working from home

Home is where the work is

Home working (thankfully) is becoming more and more common and we all know that it makes SO much more sense. That is not to say that going into the office (or in my case rehearsal/gig) on occasions is not crucial to maintain relationships and have human and work interaction.

But, in this day and age, working from home really is possible and can serve to cure many of today’s pressing issues, such as combating congestion, helping to reduce co2 and climate change; helping employee’s with health issues such as  stress and over working; helping employee’s to achieve a much better work life balance.

I am fortunate as a guitarist and composer that I get to work in my home my home!

But that doesn’t mean that it is all swings and roundabouts, there are some problems, just as there are going to work in an office.

But even with a few cons, the pro certainly outweigh them!!!

As they say, “we have the technology”, and so much more at our fingers tips,

So, WHY in this day and age are we forcing millions of people into (usually) very small city centre areas, all at the same times of day, to sit in over priced offices and (if we are honest) just think about and wish it to be home time so they can escape again (with the other millions).

There are SO many alternatives to the antiquated Victorian industrial era habit, and enabling employees to work either from home or hub offices and in their own time would do go part of the way to achieving this, and I am sure making the world a much better place!!

If you would like to hear more then please check out there There is another way podcast.

The Lucky Ones??

Yes, so of us are fortunately to already be able to do this, either because we decided to work for ourselves (I am sure this is the future!) or have actual liberated, open minded and most importantly trusting employers, who have embraced home working. BUT, what find is that when we cross this divide and finally get to work from home (or those of us who run our own businesses, there are a new set of issues to contend with.

Hopefully, this article serves to help overcome some of the common problems of isolation, new stresses, inactivity, procrastination and more.Sit back and enjoy the tips.

Top 5 tips for working from home

1) Make your bed.

According to a podcast from the ultimate home worker Tim Ferriss, when he interviewed a military general, his top piece of advice to avoid procrastination and giving your sense of habit forming and achievement is to make your bed and make your bed every day.

As you do this, it starts to form a habit, and when habits form they are hard to break. With the bed made and the formulation of this habit stuck in your head, you can then set to create the next habit task which starts directly after you have started your first task of the day, such as checking emails, corresponding to clients, or going to the gym.

To beat procrastination your need a routine and you need to form habits. Making the bed also gives you a sense of achievement that you have already completed a task at the start at the day. Therefore your are already on your road to success! Try it, your will be surprised.

2) Put your shoes on.

The act of putting your shoes on to me help signal to my brain that I am in work mode. I am ready for action, should I need to go out, go to a meeting, I am ready. Working in Pj's and slippers might sound like a great enticement to home working, but it can easily lead to you confusing work with being at home, and whilst this is fine, it can also (if you are that way inclined) cause you to start stressing as there is no delineation between your work and home life.

Bonus tip - Take your shoes offThis is a biggy to help relief and home working stress anxiety , the very act of removing your shoes signals that you are no longer at work, but at home and it is your time. It really does help you to relax and triggers your brain to start switching off from work life and moving from home life. Try it! It is just another trigger!

3) Put the radio on

I personally recommend some form of news talk show type program, as this chatter in the background at a low level is very similar to being in a work place environment, where you no longer feel isolated, and can switch in and switch out of the conversation. Just like in an office, when you are in the zone, you focus out the conversation, but thanks to the cocktail party effect, if something of interest is mentioned, you can zone back in again.

This tip really helps if you are feeling isolated working from home and alone. The constant hubbub really can help focus the mind on your task as you aren't thinking about being isolated. You should use the radio and not the TV as the visual elements of the TV will serve to distract you and the way that TV is edited is to draw you in and not allow you to switch off, because you just have to know what is coming next.....

4) GO out

This is very very important. You have escaped the office, and the sedentary life that goes along with sitting at a desk all sit at a desk all day. Yes we are all guilty of it. But unfortunately this is actually worse for your fitness because you aren't even walking to the bus or the car or up the office stairs.

You need to keep yourself active, so make sure you go out for a walk, to the gym, whatever takes your fancy. This will also help clear your mind and for me helps my creative mind come up with new ideas and projects.

5) Find the place you work well

This could be a spare room, the sofa, for me it is a coffee shop. I became my own boss so I could work where I like and when. I have discovered after years of doing this, that I work SO much better in short very concentrated bursts in coffee shops.

I manage to kill two birds with one stone. I pick a coffee shop that is a mile or two away, and count that as part of my exercise (See above).

I walk to the coffee shop (most have WIFI these fact I am writing this now in a coffeeshop) sit there and enjoy the atmosphere, which for me is very conducive for concentrated work (I know that this might not be for everyone) and sit and work very intensely for a few hours and then walk home with a sense of achievement.

I jokingly call the coffee shop my office, and I am so lucky as I have a huge range of “offices" to go to depending on my mood. For you it might be different, it might be a bean bag in your kitchen, or a shed.

Where ever that space where you find you can do your best work is, go there, and DON'T worry about what or where it is at the end of the day your client or boss want to see results....Do they REALLY care that you did it at 2am in a late night service station? Nope!

NOTE : This article was written before the enforced home working of the Covid-19 Pandemic for many people around the world. For additional advice about homeworking and homeschooling do check out this article on Mindgenius.

I’d would love to hear your home working tips and tricks, please leave them in the comments below!


