Neil Spencer Bruce

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The Icarus Session - Toacl Day 2

So firstly TOACL...well of course it stands for 'Thoughts on a creative life' and this is the second day of my new challenge. Well today's blog was an easy one, I was fortunate enough to attend an Icarus Session, based on a worldwide meet up, organised by Seth Godin. The philosophy behind it is summed up by Seth in the following text...

"Two things might hold someone back from sharing the art they've got inside: The fear of telling the truth or the lame strategy of hiding the truth behind a sales pitch. If you can, find a way to come to a session near you tonight. And if you can find the voice, stand up and tell people what you care about. Your art is vitally important, and what makes it art is that it is personal, important and fraught with the whiff of failure. This is precisely why it's scarce and thus valuable—it's difficult to stand up and own it and say, "here, I made this." For me, anyway, writing a book is far easier than handing it to someone I care about and asking them to read it. " - Seth Godin

The event was well attended and it was fantastic to me so many people in the local area who were trying to do something different, to think outside the box, to start their own revolution. It was an inspirational evening!For those who have never read any of Seth's books, I always recommend (particularly to the creatives out there!) of starting with this book 'Linchpins', I think it will answer and help you over come many of the issues I know creative types have.It's 2013...release your art into the worldPeaceNeil