Neil Spencer Bruce

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Some of the thoughts behind 11:53

The new CD has finally been mastered, and the artwork for the cover is currently being produced. Hopefully, 11:53 will be ready in the next couple of weeks. Here is a little taster of the thoughts behind the concepty

11:53 Story

Waking up…..11:53 am, I am in a daydream, my life has lost its meaning…an office….a clone, dead inside. The machine is taking over…I am interfaced with a terminal, arranging electrons in an infinite series of 1’s and 0’s……no better than a battery hen, turning out endless reports, documents,…..which never get used… longer, work harder than the next person, it will be good for you…..’sleep is for losers’, life outside the machine, an ‘endless loop in perpetuity’….your neighbour has more than you, works harder, it should be your dream too. The machine is the dream maker, it tells me what my dreams are, it sells me my dreams back to me……Any thing is possible in the machine, except everything is out of reach as the dream is never fulfilled, the more you have the more you need. The machine thinks for me, tells me what to think, it draws me away from humanity, it sucks away my life blood…it tells those around me what to think of me and what I should think of them. It is 11:53, the sun casts a band of brilliant light into the cubical….a golden ray where dust particles dance in the void. A second, a nano second, it stops, the machine is gone. I experience life, I want more I am numb, my dead soul is awoken, I am scared. The electromagnetic spectrum is visible……How can I leave the machine? My heart races then slows, the light gets more intense, I see colours amongst the mono-chromatic background of my life. I reach out, I am overcome with sensuality….my inner core is about to overload with realisation….I see the machine, its claws in too deep….how do I escape? If it was my last moment, would I choose the light or the machine? Will this be my finest hour?