Neil Spencer Bruce

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Logic X features

I feel I have been a bit down on Apple in recent posts, but I do feel that it is getting a little bit insane that it is coming up to nearly four years since we had an update to Logic. This got me thinking, what is it that I love about other DAW's that Logic just doesn't do for me any more (or ever!). Logic is the DAW that I would say I am without doubt most proficient in, I invested a hell of a lot of time over decades learning the in's and out's of it, and there is something homely about coming back to it. I do have some similar feelings about Digital Performer, but a recent spate of crashes and the fact it is much heavier on the CPU that always brings me back to Logic when I need to work fast or compose.So I thought I would detail the things which really mean that Logic struggles to be perfect for me and what features I am hoping we will see in Logic 10, if it ever comes out1)Audio editing, it is terrible...yes I can get the job done, but when you look at Reaper, DP, ProTools (or even Soundtrack Pro RIP) you realise how it should be done. Also, it is pretty impossible to do fine editing in the Arrange window, and the edit window is SOOO old school, plus it has to render the file each slow!!!2)Crossfades, it would be nice to have a intuitive way of manipulating these3)Track folders, see DP for how this could be implemented, it is fantastic, especially when working on large scores or big sound design work pieces.4)Mixer layout, please can I get to rearrange the organisation of the tracks...thanks!5)Pitch correction, see how DP does this in the arrange window, it's awesome!6)Updated EXS24 Sampler, please it is so old and lacking in features, it could be awesome again!7)Improvements to group editing and bussing!!8)Drum editor, or perhaps just a change to the way the Hyper Editor works?That is it off the top of my head, I am sure there are some other bits and pieces, but it isn't much to ask for after four years is it??What are you hoping for??PeaceNeil