Neil Spencer Bruce

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Linchpins by Seth Godin

I have just finished reading Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? How to Drive Your Career and Create a Remarkable Future and I have to say that it is always so amazing to read a book which reinforces your own view of the hear someone else say the things you have been thinking in the past. Of course that doesn't mean everything within the book, but some of the key points are issues I have thought about and 'feared' in the past.I can safely say that this book isn't just a business book, it is a life affirming book. I would say it is essential reading for anyone who is unhappy with their career or even life and wants to make a change. Put the 'Lizard brain' behind you are truly achieve what you are destined to achieve. It isn't an easy ride, but it is worth it in the end!PeaceNeil