Neil Spencer Bruce

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Hans Zimmer Masterclass Review (and a short rant about education!)

A little while ago, I wrote a blog post entitled "The expectations of education and online learning.”, about my experiences of both taking the Hans Zimmer masterclass and then the online commenting in forums and Facebook from other students. I really felt that there was a big gap between some students expectation of what they would be getting and I think this is reflected by the nature of the modern student and instant gratification.So, I put together video on my thoughts on the Masterclass and Hans’ content, you can simply click the video below and enjoy (there is also a little rant in there as well!) Personally, as you can see in the video. I though this was an excellent course and would certainly sign up to others. I feel it offers excellent value for money and has certainly inspired me (which surely is the main aim of any education?)EnjoyPeaceNeil