Neil Spencer Bruce

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I just stumbled across this post I wrote a while back on another site, not sure what I was on that day, but thought I would share it. I still stand by what I wrote, and also think it ties in with current changes in the creative industries as well.Enjoy!

DON'T PANIC :) We are living in interesting times! What we seeing, as I have been babbling on about for a while now, is the death (or should that be transformation) of the prevalent ideologies of consumerism and capitalism and a transition to a new period in human history (which tends to happen every 3 generations), more than likely we are entering a period of a technologically controlled Totalitarian dystopia. It is our 'Fin de siecle', brought on by having more stuff than we know what to do with and no worth or value from our peers, leading to boredom amongst the youth and celebrated decadence promoted at the norm. The lies fed to us by politicians and I am sad to say the media are so transparent that they induce cynicism in the populous. We are witnessing a change in the balance of power, a change in value systems, and a change in the basic humanity of large parts of the population. The false gods of commerce and entitlement are crumbling! (I'm not a socialist by the way, just a realist!) 
