Neil Spencer Bruce

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Daily Creation Challenge : The Whole Lot

As you many know, last year I undertook the challenge of being creative every day, this started back in August 2011 with my piece a day challenge and then morphed into the daily creation challenge. Well, I have just gotten around to compiling all the music and photographs into one big piece. The total running time of the music is exactly 2 hours!! (I am pretty impressed that I had written that much, and it just goes to show what you can do when you put your mind to it). There is a pretty wide range of material, and some of it is a little bit on the experimental side, but hey, that's what I like! It is also funny how some of it (to me) sounds a little bit too close to the soundtrack to The Social Network by Trent Reznor and Aticus Ross (oops!)It is interesting listening back to it all, as it certainly reflects my moods and thoughts across the whole year, in fact it is quite an emotional experience. I haven't found a way to easily compile all of the titles of all of the pieces, and I actually think at the moment I don't want to do that as it might be a bit too emotional, as they certainly reflected my feelings on each of the days!So here are all the pictures, accompanied with the first days of the challenge. If I can find a way to post a 2 hour mp3 of all the tunes then I will (any suggestions?)It was a blast, and it is now a kick up the backside to get the next music projects finished!PeaceNeil