Neil Spencer Bruce

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Daily Creation Challenge | Day 243 - Disappearing vision

Okay, so has anyone ever had their vision disappear due to a migraine? That is the inspiration behind today's piece!Anyway, I fancied doing something 'orchestral' as it has been quite a while and i wanted to get my composing chops going again (orchestral composing chops that is!), you can't beat a bit of 4-part harmony writing every once in a while. Unfortunately, I only had a basic copy of Logic with only the EXS orchestral instruments to use. Whilst they aren't terrible, they aren't great and are actually quite old now! (will we ever see Logic X? Will Logic 9 ever be updated? Where is Logic 10 X it has been nearly 3 years since the last update!). I also didn't have a controller keyboard, so this was done using the computer keyboard and mouse!Hope you enjoyPeaceNeil