Neil Spencer Bruce

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Cornford Roadhouse 30 Combo Review

Now this is an easy review as this is simply a most fantastic amp. I really, really love it, but I say that with a cavat or two. This amp sounds awesome and it has one of the most organic sound overdrives I have ever had the fortune to play. It feels like you really are connected to the sound coming out of the speaker, it is so responsive to your touch and you can so easily coax as note into the most glorious feedback and sustain.

The character of your guitar really shines through, the amp to me has a vocal like quality and the best thing I find is the boost function.

To quote Spinal Tap, it really does give you that push over the edge when you need it, but is a way you couldn't imagine, it adds a kind of velveteen shimmer to the sound and makes you want to play for ever.

So why is this not the top number one amp ever of all time?

Well, having said all that, it is kind of only really applicable to the rock/blues fraternity. Yes it does clean, but not much of it before you get a glorious break up tone, so if you want clean, then go back to Fender, if you want headroom get the 50 Watt and still probably go back to Fender. If breakup is your thing, then welcome aboard.

The open back cabinet seems to fill space gloriously, with real bass meet to the sound, the cabinet and speaker (Celestion V30) work in perfect harmony). Then when you kick in the boost, wow you are like a tone king. The is the first amp I have used at a gig where the other guys in the band that was awesome.

The amp also takes pedals really well, I used it in conjunction with a Rothwell Audio F1 Booster and this sounded fantastic. In effect creating three levels of boost, with the existing boost switch, giving crunch, distortion and lead tones.

So why don't I gig with it?

Well, the clean is an issue, I do need Fender cleans to cover the material I play with Groovething but it is not just that, it is a very heavy beast (especially when you live up stairs), and the cabinet is slightly deeper than most cabs, and that extra depth makes it difficult to carry over distances, side handles would have been very useful indeed.

Whilst, I love this amp very much and the mere thought of it makes me want to play through it, it saddens me to say I think it is primarily a one trick amp. If you need an amp to cover many bases, then perhaps you need to look else where. If you need an amp to do one thing and do it so so well, then check this baby out!!


  • For Blues/Rock, you would be hard pressed to find a better sounding amp (in this price range!)

  • It sounds amazing, and when you kick in the!

  • Fantastically crafted and sensitive EQ section which is extremely responsive and well tied together


  • It is heavy (not Fender Twin heavy) but quite a bit when you live up three flights of stairs and as the cab is deeper than most combo cabs, it is a little tricky to lift over long distances.

  • It is a bit of a one trick pony (and it pains me to write that), the trick it does it does totally amazingly though


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