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Ampeg GVT112E 1 x 12 Cab review

Pretty simple review here for this 1 x 12 16 ohm cab with a Celestion 12" Vintage 30 Speaker. What can I say, it is super light (always a plus for me as I live up so many stairs. It is really robust and looks like it could take whatever is thrown at it. Powered by either my Marshall JMP-1 pre-amp/8008 Poweramp, it sounds really great (I should add I love the Vintage 30 speaker, hence my choice) and it also makes a nice companion for my Egnater Tweaker 40 W Head, and makes it a nice and light package to carry about. Of course it is a closed back cab, so the projection is quite narrow, and it is never going to sound as full and as deep as a big sounding cab. But hey, I mic up these days, so it is purely for monitoring and to get a reasonable tone, which is really does.Here is the blurb about what Ampeg say about it

Ampeg GVT112E Guitar Extension Cabinet delivers a modern cabinet with stunning retro styled looks. Ampeg GVT112E has that great look of the 70's era, featuring a straight up no frills American tone and tough road-ready design. GVT112-E comes loaded with a Celestion 12" Vintage 30 speaker which handles up to 60-watts of raw power at a 16 ohms rating, making this 1x12" cabinet an ideal partner for any Ampeg GVT amp head, or combo extension.


  • Cost
  • It is SO small and light, how cool is that! You can throw it in the boot no worries...literally
  • Has a Vintage 30 in it


  • Closed back, so narrow projection beam and a little bit boomy
  • Never going to compete with a bigger cab sonically

PeaceNeilCheck out other reviews here Light%20B4%20Sound