Neil Spencer Bruce

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5 tips for New Years Resolutions

So that time of year is coming, that time when we look back at the previous year and plan ahead for the future, and for a lot of us (if you are anything like me!), we make unachievable goals for the new year! Well, that and the inevitable pressure from others to have mammoth life changing New Years Resolutions! Been there, got the teeshirt! So how do we set goals (or resolutions) that we can keep and achieve?Here is my top five guide to achievable New Years Resolutions1) Do Something you want to doChoose something that you really want to do, not something you feel pressured into by peer pressure, or something that everyone else does, i.e. do you really want to give up smoking? I mean do you REALLY want to do it, or is it something you feel you should do, because everyone else is doing it at that time of the year? The First step is do something because YOU want to2) You can do it, no matter what it isFollowing on from Number 1, if you really want to do something, no matter how hard it is, you can do it, and you have to believe you can do it, if you want to give up smoking, change your career, climb Mount Everest, swim with Dolphins, jog more, paint whatever, YOU CAN DO IT!3) It's okay to lapseFollowing on from Number 2, no matter how big your goal, or how small, you must break it down into managable steps. Some people can just quit smoking on the 1st of January, or start a gym course, or give up chocolate and never eat it again through sheer will power. But for the rest of us, having a bar of chocolate on the 3rd means we have broken the resolution, and revert back to normal. The key is, if you lapse, it is okay!! Just realise that it is a lapse and say to yourself 'I lapsed', but I am carrying on.....4) Small is the new bigReiterating the notion that you need to set small goals, you can change your life in an instant, but only if you decided to do small things. You can't change your career overnight, but you can put in place the decision to change your career in an is that instant that you decided that you want to look for something else, the moment you start investigating something else, that is the moment of change and then everything else will follow, it is the same for other resolutions....the moment you decide not to have a cigarette, is the moment of change, you just have to build on that....and refer back to point 3!5) It's is own itDon't worry what other's say, if it is what you want to do, you should do it. Remember there will be those who encourage you, and those who will taunt you, listen to both, but ultimately ignore both. Listen to your voice, listen to what you want, it's your goal, your resolution, you own it, don't be swayed from the path!Good luck out there!Peace!