Neil Spencer Bruce

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Sound Map Soundscape List

I am still busy developing my sound map, and currently uploading new field recordings from my collection daily. I have amazed myself with how many field recordings I have going back to 2005! This was the year when I got my Soundman OKM microphones and first Edirol R09 digital recorder. Prior to that everything else was on cassette tape!

If I ever have time, I might start converting some of the tape recordings, but at the moment that is very much a project for the dark winter evenings! Onwards with 16 years of world soundscape recordings!

I have a lot of plans for my sound map, and the first of which was to provide you all access to a list of the sounds that are present. It has taken me a few days to figure this out, but I have been able to use an online database which produces embeddable reports. This is great as I can just slot the report into a page, and every time a new sound is added, it gets added to the list! Fantastic!

The current list is also sortable, you just need to click on any of the headers and it will order the table accordingly. I would love to hear any feedback from you or anything that would make it easier for you to use.

I am now trying to add a search function for the list, as this will become really important as my years of sounds get added to the map. I can do it with my database, but I have to find a way to make it work the way I would like on the website.

This project has brought me so much joy, to be able to listen back to various stages of my life, the places where I was and the sounds that were present. It is a sonic time capsule, and I hope a sonic archive of the sounds and soundscapes of places for future generations to enjoy.

Here is the current list of sounds. I am trying to also find a way to embed direct links from the list below, but for now, head over to the sound map page a sit back and immerse yourselves.



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