Neil Spencer Bruce

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New Light B4 Sound Album Release


Released today, Light B4 Sound's #newalbum 'Music for a future last', coinciding with #BandcampFriday

Really proud of this piece of work! If you are looking for something to enjoy on a Friday afternoon, do check it out.

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” - Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means

We didn't heed the warnings. We allowed technology to dictate our lives, thoughts, ideas and creativity. We strive to be free, but technology in prisons and enslaves us.

We didn't heed the warnings.

If only we paid attention or cared, the warnings were there in plain sight.

If you listen carefully you can hear the voices of lost generations, fading into the darkness.

As the outposts fall into the darkness, their fading messages calling home for one last time reach us, like fragments of memories lost in the sandstorm of time.

All that remains are fragments of what once was. Are you there?

This is how it all started, we allowed it to permeate all aspects of our physical and mental active. It took control, we lost our freedom, we lost our humanity. All that remains is music for a dying planet.

Music for a future past explores the relatively short journey from assistive benign tech, which entertained, educated and helped us create and explore our imaginations, to now, where technology controls, manipulates, and enslaves us through our own submissiveness and lack of will power.

Music for a future past which is released on 3rd December 2021 and you can listen with the player below or on your favourite platform.

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