Neil Spencer Bruce

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Future Past from Light B4 Sound - Music video

A while in the making, ‘Music for a future past’ represents a turning point with my music. For many years I have inadvertently tried to write music which would be accepted by everyone, liked by the masses and as a result I don’t feel I have achieved that, primarily because I was not being true to myself and my artistic vision. I know people like my music, the stats show that, so for years I have been dealing with the voices in my head telling me otherwise. With Music for a future past, I chose to ignore them, and as a result I am totally thrilled with the result, music which I hope you too will find enjoyment in, and a chance to explore some of the secrets contained within.

“Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” - Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means

We didn't heed the warnings. We allowed technology to dictate our lives, thoughts, ideas and creativity. We strive to be free, but technology in prisons and enslaves us. 

Music for a future past explores the relatively short journey from assistive benign tech, which entertained, educated and helped us create and explore our imaginations, to now, where technology controls, manipulates, and enslaves us through our own submissiveness and lack of will power.  

Future past is the first single from Light B4 Sound's new album, Music for a future past which is released on 3rd December 2021 and available for Pre Order here

Peace, love and good happiness stuff.


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