Neil Spencer Bruce

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Soundscapes for isolation

Lockdown is having a massive impact on us all, especially with the uncertainty that the COVID pandemic is bring to every single one of us on the planet. Since access to the real world is no longer possible for many of us around the globe, I wanted to try and help in the only way I really could, with sound.

Sound and soundscape has the power of evocation, the power to reignite memories of the past and give hope for the future. I have been fortunate to have a) travelled extensively in a pre-lockdown era and b) been able to take my sound recorders and microphones with me to capture the moment.

The only thing I can offer right now are these soundscapes, a chance to immerse yourself in the sounds of the ‘old’ real world. Here is a collection of soundscapes from around the world, from coffee shops to natural sounds, via airports, train stations and everything in between.

These recordings were made of a period of nearly 20 years, across continents. Many of the recordings are binaural, so use headphones to experience the immersive surround soundscape.

Enjoy and stay safe.

See you on the other side of this all…