Neil Spencer Bruce

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10 ways to become a successful musician

It is the question we all want to know the answer too, and it is the one that tends to allude the majority of us. One of the things to consider when posing this question is, 'what does the word successful mean to you?'.  After you have taken some time to answer this question, this article provides you with, 10 ways to become a successful musician.

What is success for me?

In this great world of ours it could mean a multitude of things, and depending on what those things are depends on the way that you might want to approach answering the question. Well, from my perspective it is quite simple, it means, currently being able to support my current standard of living through earnings made from my own music related income streams. Now this might be very different for you, success might be owning a Ferrari, or playing Madison Square Gardens (obviously I wouldn't mind those, but they don't drive me on a day to day basis....although a Ferrari would obviously drive me....being a car...sorry terrible joke!).By utilising the positivity of Law of Attraction, then be just focusing in on your own set goals can help you realise them, yes this really can happen. (Click here for a great article on 12 Ways the Law of Attraction can change your life)

Define your goals

Once your have defined a goal, ambition or sentence of what success means to you, the following 10 suggestions of ways to success can really help you on your way to finding success.1. Manage your expectationsAs I have just stated above, the first thing you need to do is "set a goal." Do you want to be the next Ed Sheeran ? Then you need to appreciate like most 'stars',  Ed cut his teeth for years busking, playing the dodgy clubs, bars before he became the Ed Sheeran we know today. These things take time, there is no such thing ever as over night success.  So, my friends,  it is time to realise that anything that comes too easy, isn’t real!!! But more importantly, anything you put time and effort into, will come back to you.2. Create interesting and engaging contentThis goes without saying really doesn't it, but sometimes things that aren't said need to be said. Whatever you create, whatever genre you find yourself in, whatever random vibration of air molecules you inflict on to the universe, make sure it is the best you can do (at this point in time!). Realise that you should always strive to improve, always be open to learning, but music (like any art) is a lifetime can't know it all now, so don't worry! BUT, most importantly don't let that stop you from putting out your art now. Just try to ensure it is the best you can do (now), and not only that, but that it is engaging. On top of your actual content (your music for example), also realise that you aren't just promoting your musical content but all the other aspects associated with it...basically, through all your content, create a world for that music to live in.3. Create video content Following on from point 3, there is no escaping the fact that videos are the new rock and roll. Videos are just SO IMPORTANT these days, not just to fans, but also to everyone else in the music business who wants to access you. They are your calling card, with a potential network of BILLIONS of people. The best thing is that in this day and ages to produce a video doesn't have to cost much money, you can do it yourself on your phone and some basic software and get it out there straight away (follow the advice from point 2)4. Submit your music to your favorite blogs and websitesThe internet has empowered you to be your own publisher, you don't need a record deal, you don't need a fancy it yourself!!5. Develop a brandOkay, so this is always a tricky one, especially if you don't like stepping outside of your self and standing out in a crowd. But it doesn't mean being flamboyant and over the top in terms of what your wear or do, but it does mean develop a style which is matched across all of your content. It could be simple like the polo neck, jeans and trainers that Steve Jobs always wore, be comfortable in your brand and make sure it matches the areas you wish to target. Make sure that it is consistent across your website, business cards, gear, cases etc Again think Apple, you may love or hate them, but you know when something is an Apple product. "Developing a unique style can help set the tone for your music by making for compelling press photos and visually pleasing live performances.6. Become an effective networker We have all heard the saying, "it's not what you know, it's who you know...", well as sad as it is, it is true and the best way to know people is through networking. Yes, networking!!! Sorry, but it is a necessary evil and there is no better way in getting out there, than....well getting out there and letting people know you exist. Part of being a great networker, is firstly believing in what you are doing and yourself and secondly, being an effective communicator. Spending time developing you ability to speak and communicate with others will help you better describe your music when someone asks you what you sound like, help you do the in-between song batter, help you talk contracts with managers and so on.7. Communicate via social media It is probably the best time in the history of the human race to be able to publish art and get it out there to a global audience. There are so many channels as well, all eager for you to promote yourself and content on, Facebook. Twitter. G+. Snapchat. Instagram. YouTube. Vine. Etc. Etc. Etc. So go out there, find where your fans are and communicate with them effectively on at least one or two of those platforms (you don't need to be, and you can't be on all of them...find those which work for you and embrace them!)8. Put together a marketing strategy Another evil term from the business world, but like business, you are a business, your business is you! So, take a few tips from the business world and apply them to your art . If you want to make some money with your music (if that is how your define your success criteria), then I am afraid to say you will need some form of business model, nothing complex, just try answering some simple questions, such as......What are you selling? Who’s your target audience? Who’s your competition?”9. Talk to your fans directlyThe internet makes the world one massive global village, and the tools we have at our disposal we can now interact with our fans 24/7/365 and our fans expect to interact with us, they want to be part of our success and want to assist us. The more direct, honest, and engaged you are with your fans, the more loyal your fanbase.10. Make good Art The marketing guru Seth Godin is a real advocate of creating art, and creating great and person art. He discusses this concept at great length in his fantastic bookLinchpin: Are You Indispensable? How to drive your career and create a remarkable future and I guess it goes without saying, at the end of the day taking into account all of the points mentioned above, you can only get by on looks, branding and marketing strategies for so long. At the end of the day it boils down to whether or whether or not you have AWESOME art. But I am pretty sure that you already do!Good luck!!EnjoyPeaceNeil